Feeding of dogs of that-terrier breed at different stages of its(his) life
The puppy Communicating with the puppy of Russian of that-terrier , from the very beginning establish(install) firm rules of behaviour, otherwise it(he) will very quickly define(determine) weaknesses of the owner and will mount upon to it(him) a neck. About three months of the puppy of that-terrier it is necessary to feed four times the day, subsequently two times, and it is by all means necessary to forbid toyu to beg at a table. At puppies of that-terrier development of a fatty fabric begins right after the terminations(discontinuances) of a feed(meal) by milk, and perekarmlivanie small toya during growth promotes increase in number of fatty cells(cages). Puppies of that-terrier with excessive weight have 50 %-s' probability subsequently to suffer from adiposity in comparison with the puppy of normal weight. To accustom the puppy toya to an eutrophy, it is necessary to select for it(him) appetizing krokety, small (in view of the minimal sizes chelyustej that-terrier) not too rigid and rich with components of an animal origin. It is possible to humidify slightly kroketki that the puppy felt aroma of a forage is better. The puppy of that-terrier grows quickly: the basic growth toya occurs(happens) in the first 6 months of a life. For this purpose early ripening dogs the forage should contain enough energy necessary for their fast development, and in the most acquired form. In a forage for toya there should be many fibers and fats, but it is not enough starch to avoid risk of occurrence of a diarrhea. For maintenance of correct development of a skeleton, the puppy of that-terrier it is necessary to bring in a forage to the puppy the mineral and vitamin additives corresponding(meeting) its(his) needs(requirements). The puppy of that-terrier does not require a plenty of mineral additives. And here addition of calcium in a daily diet of a high-grade forage of the puppy of that-terrier is harmful. It is considered, that finally growth of the puppy toya comes to the end by 10 months. At this age to select for the puppy, a forage sootvetsvuyushchy to an adult dog of dwarfish breed. |