From history of breed: in the beginning of 20 centuries of one of the most popular decorative dogs in Russia there were English of they are terriers, however during with 20 for 50th years their breeding cultivation was not conducted almost and the livestock was reduced up to a critical level. Since the middle of 50th years, the Russian cynologists have undertaken restoration of this breed. Almost all the collected dogs were without the family trees, many of them were not thoroughbred. The standard made for those is the terrier, it has appeared sharply distinct from the standard of English of that is the terrier on many positions of principle, and since this moment development of breed to Russia has gone the by. On October, 12th, 1958 in a to Moscow from two sleek-haired that terriers, one of which had slightly extended wool, the dog with effective ochesami on ears and finitenesses was born. The decision to fix it in posterity was accepted, and it(him) have tied with sukoj, also had slightly extended wool. So the long-haired variant of that-terrier which have named Moscow long-haired that-terrier has been received. A greater(big) role in its(his) creation has played Moscow cynologist Zharova Evgenie Fominichna. During the long-term isolated development and selection in a specific direction new breed - Russian of that-terrier in its(his) two variations has been deduced(removed): long-haired and sleek-haired.

The maintenance(contents) and leaving(care): do not demand frequent vygulivaniya, an ideal dog for an apartment. Sleek-haired it is necessary for that-terrier to comb on a regular basis a brush or a special mitten. Long-haired it is necessary for that-terrier to comb out daily a brush and a comb. Frequent combing will prevent svalivanie a wool and formation(education) koltunov.

The sizes: the it is less, the better..


The standard of that-terrier

Small, elegant dog, mobile, vysokonogaya, a format square. With thin skeleton and dry muscles. As a wool there are two versions - sleek-haired and long-haired. The sexual type morfologicheski is expressed poorly, however is swept brightly up(brightly appreciable) in behaviour. Height in kholke 18-26 sm, we shall admit(allow) up to 28 see

Features of behaviour. Active, very cheerful, not cowardly and not spiteful.

Head. Small, refined, dry, moderately wide in cheekbones though cheekbones are not allocated. A forehead slightly okruglyj, nadbrovnye arches are well developed, transition to a muzzle is precisely expressed. The muzzle dry, pointed, on length corresponds(meets) 1/3 lengths of a head. Lips thin, dry, skintight. Mochka a nose small, black or in tone okrasa.

Ears. Greater(big), thin, vysokoposazhennye, standing. polustoyachie ears are admissible (hall), though are undesirable.

Eyes. Large enough, okruglye, a little bit convex, it is wide and directly planted(put), dark. Veki dark, skintight, in tone okrasa.

Московский той-терьер

Teeth. Small, white. A bite nozhnitseobraznyj.

Neck. Long, dry, high postava, slightly izognutaya.

Trunk. Compact. A line of top, beginning(starting) from kholki up to the basis of a tail, a little naklonna. KHolka it is expressed. A back strong, direct. A waist short and a little bit convex. Groats a little okruglyj and slightly inclined, a tail shortly stoped (leave 2-3 pozvonka). Its(his) dog cheerfully, at a level of a back or above holds. The breast deep, the oval form, moderately wide, reaches a level of elbows. The stomach(belly) is well tightened.

Forward finitenesses. At survey in front direct and parallel. A corner of a shoulder approximately 110-120 degrees. Elbows are directed back and pressed to the case. The length of forward finitenesses is more than half of height in kholke, an index vysokonogosti approximately 55-58. Pyasti steep. Paws small, oval.

Back finitenesses. At survey behind parallel, are put more widely lobbies. A hip of average length also are put with a small inclination. All corners of joints are well expressed. Plyusny average length, steep.

Movements. Fast, free, rectilinear, with short enough step. The silhouette of a dog differs in a statics and movement a little.

Okras. Any monophonic, except for white and black. It is black-подпалый, brown-подпалый, blue with podpalom. The small white mark on a breast and fingers is admissible, but is undesirable.

SHerstnyj a cover. There are two versions: sleek-haired and long-haired.

Sleek-haired: a wool short, skintight, shining(brilliant), without a underfur and high temples.

Long-haired: the body is covered moderately long (3-5 sm) by the direct or slightly wavy adjoining wool which is not hiding natural contours of a trunk. A wool on a head, a muzzle, a forward part of finitenesses short and skintight. On finitenesses from the back party(side) a wool long, in the form of ochesov, it is precise otgranichennykh from the core sherstnogo a cover, on all paws the extended silky wool. Ears are covered by very dense and long wool in the form of a fringe. At adult dogs 3 years a fringe are more senior should to cover completely an external edge and a tip take in. The wool on a trunk should not look(appear) tousled or too short (less than 2 sm).

Any deviations(rejections) from the above-stated norms(rates) are estimated(appreciated) depending on a degree of their expressiveness.

Disqualifying defects. Kriptorkhizm, aggression, white okras, pyatnistost, white spots(stains) above pyasti, greater(big) spots(stains) on a breast and a throat, perekus, nedokus, a head in type chikhuakhuenno, korotkonogost, trailing ears, growth more than 30 sm, high temples in a plenty at sleek-haired, for long-haired dogs - absence of a decorating wool on ears.

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