urraaaa! At me the new owner

23.10.2006г/р the Amusing Toy the Azalea father CHR Call Niki Archi the Moscow Toy mother CHR SHer Folli in the new house Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk

25.10.2006г/р Amusing Toy Barbi father CHR Call Niki Archi mother Sher Tarika in the new house Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk

In the foreground 25.10.06г. An amusing Toy Young lady Babetta on a background the Amusing Toy the Azalea 23.10.06г.

The INFORMATION And CONSULTATION BY PHONE look in the end of a page

18.02.07г/р Amusing Toy Vinnipukh father CHR Call Niki Archi the Moscow Toy mother 2 R CAC the Paradise Birdy Is given

16.04.06/р Tiyanna Delight the Amusing Toy father CHR Call Niki Archi the Moscow Toy mother CHR SHer Marisha is sold

As it is good in the new house

18.02.07г/р the Amusing Toy of the Barbarian Beauty father CHR Call Niki Archi the Moscow Toy mother 2 R CAC the Paradise Birdy Is given

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